Each year, the Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning at Amherst College conducts a first-destination survey with graduates asking about their first steps six months after graduation. The responses we collect help future students prepare for their career and post-graduation goals.

The following information represents outcomes data collected by the Loeb Center in accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) standards.  Our knowledge rate was 85% for the class of 2023, 89% for the class of 2022, 90% for the class of 2021, 91% for the class of 2020, and 93% for the class of 2019. Knowledge rate includes data collected through surveys, employers, staff, fellow graduates, LinkedIn profiles, or other online sources.

First Destination

Mammoths pursue an array of plans after graduation.  This graph depicts what recent graduates do within six months after degree completion.

Top Employers

Amherst graduates secure positions with a diverse range of notable employers.

Employment Industries

Employment Functions

Employment Locations

Amherst graduates can be found all over the nation and the globe.

United States


Top Universities

A sampling of graduate schools/professional schools attended by Amherst graduates.

Degree Types

Amherst graduates pursue a variety of educational options after degree completion.

Fields of Study

Only a small percentage of Amherst alumni attend graduate programs directly after graduation, but most do eventually attend graduate school, most commonly 3 to 5 years later. Of the group that do matriculate immediately, there is a range of fields of study represented.