Since graduating from Amherst in 2006 with majors in Spanish and Biology, Aleszu Bajak has pursued a wide range of career experiences—from marine biology labs to launching and editing Esquire Classic, the digital archive of Esquire magazine. He currently serves as graduate programs manager at Northeastern University’s School of Journalism, where he teaches courses and runs research on digital journalism, data reporting and new media. Aleszu is the editor of Storybench.org and LatinAmericanScience.org. He was a founding senior writer at Undark, has also been a freelance reporter in Latin America, and a producer for the public radio show Science Friday. His bilingual writing has appeared in The Washington Post, the Boston Globe magazine, MIT Technology Review, the Huffington Post, bioGraphic, Esquire, Nature, Science, New Scientist, Beeradvocate, and Guernica, among other outlets.