Class of ’54 Commitment To Teaching Fellowship

For Alumni

Amherst is proud of its graduates who have chosen to teach in urban and other school systems where students may be considered “at risk” or are socio-economically disadvantaged. Through the generosity of the Class of 1954, which has established a Commitment to Teaching Fund, Amherst is able each year to award stipends to a limited number of Amherst graduates who have been teaching for ten years or less.

Stipends are intended to supplement teacher salaries and to encourage young alumni to pursue careers in teaching. Awards will be made to those Amherst graduate teachers who, in the opinion of a reviewing committee, best represent, through their applications, a serious long-term commitment to teaching these students. Application information is sent to alumni teachers in January. To receive this mailing, alumni are asked to update their employment information in the Alumni Directory or contact the Education Professions Program in the Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning.

For Undergraduates

The Loeb Center invites all continuing students to apply to the Houston Internship Program for financial assistance for confirmed summer work that affords them the opportunity to explore and/or prepare for potential careers in U.S. public school teaching. Please note that continuing students include first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and first-semester seniors who will be enrolled in classes during the upcoming semester. Preference will be given to Amherst College students currently enrolled or considering enrollment in the Amherst College/Mount Holyoke Teacher Licensure Program. Applications from students exploring the field of public education and/or considering other paths to public school teaching will be considered as well.


Contact & Location


Amherst, MA 01002