Hire a Mammoth FAQ
Q: What is Handshake, and why does Amherst College use it?
A: Handshake is a leading career services management platform that allows all Amherst students to easily search for and apply to jobs and internships via a dynamic user interface.
Q: What if my company or organization doesn’t have a Handshake account?
A: If interested in creating one, learn more about the employer sign-up process. Otherwise, simply complete this Amherst job and internship posting form, and the Loeb Center will enter your opportunity in Handshake for you.
Q: Why can’t you just email my job/internship description to students?
A: In general, students tend to be inundated with emails, so the Loeb Center is careful to limit the number of emails it sends to students. When your opportunity is advertised in Handshake, students are able to find it using a variety of search methods, including via the special alumni/parent-affiliated opportunity search label.
Q: Can you just send me the resumes of qualified students?
A: As a matter of policy, the Loeb Center cannot pre-select candidates for external opportunities, as it could result in inequitable access and negative impact for our students. By advertising all jobs and internships in Handshake, it ensures that all students have equal access to view and apply to the opportunities.
Q: What is the Charles Hamilton Houston Internship Program?
A: Learn about this Amherst exclusive flagship internship program by visiting the Charles Hamilton Houston Internship Program website.
Q: Does Amherst offer funding for internships?
A: The Loeb Center has a limited pool of funds available for students who secure unpaid internships outside of the Charles Hamilton Houston Internship Program. This funding was made available through generous donations from Amherst alumni and has allowed students to complete unpaid internship opportunities, mainly in the non-profit, government, and public service sectors. Students are encouraged to apply for funding after they have accepted an internship offer. In addition to the quality of the application, award decisions are determined based on an individual student’s financial need, class year, and previous internship experience, along with the availability of funds that match the experience. We cannot guarantee a stipend for a student, even if they secure an internship through the Hire a Mammoth campaign, forecast a student’s chances for securing a stipend when you post an internship opportunity, or ensure that every single intern you hire will receive a stipend. Please see this web page for more details about the program.
The exception to the above is the Meiklejohn Fellows Program, which guarantees a one-time stipend of up to $5,000 for first-generation/low-income students who accept an unpaid or low-paying internship opportunity in their first two years of enrollment at Amherst. Please see the web page for more details about the Meiklejohn Fellows Program.
Q: How can I help pay an intern to work at a company/organization that I support?
A. The most effective strategy in this instance is to contact the relevant departments at the company/organization to discuss the process for donating funds to specifically allow that company/organization to pay their intern(s). We cannot give you legal or tax advice around this process. You cannot make a donation to Amherst with the express purpose of directing those funds to a company or organization that you own, are employed/contracted with or invest in. Additionally, your donated funds cannot be distributed to an internship opportunity where you are involved with the vetting and hiring process of interns.
Q: What time of year do students search and apply for jobs and internships? When should I post my opportunity?
A. Generally speaking, students begin searching for full-time jobs in the summer prior to their senior year and continue to do so throughout that year. Underclass students tend to start searching for internships in the fall and continue to do so throughout the year. For some industries, such as finance and consulting, recruiting cycles tend to fall on the earlier side of those timelines. You can post your job or internship at any time, but be mindful of the timelines above in terms of setting application deadlines.
Q: When do most students participate in internships?
A: Because of their busy academic and extracurricular schedules during the academic year, Amherst students participate in the majority of their internships during the summer.
Q: What does the current student population look like at Amherst?
A: For facts on students, majors, and other aspects of Amherst, visit the facts webpage.
Q: Where do Amherst students go after graduation?
A: Visit the Post-Grad Outcomes webpage for the most recent data on graduate destinations and activities.
To discuss the topics above or ask additional questions, please contact us at recruiting@amherst.edu.