Essential Resources for Law School Applicants
ABA Standard 509 Reports – These reports provide the most current and comprehensive data from the American Bar Association including LSAT score and GPA ranges for each school.
Access Group – A great resource for students and pre-law advisors, the Access Group site has sections on understanding your education costs, financing your education, deciding how much to borrow, and deciding between multiple offers.
Equal Justice Works – Provides resources to help students who are interested in public interest law select the school that’s right for them, explore programs or clinics, and law school financing.
Law School Admission Council – This site provides a wealth of information about Applying to Law School, the LSAT, and the Credential Assembly Service (CAS).
Law School Range Finder offers a spread sheet of the 25th to 75th percentile range of the LSAT scores and the GPAs for accepted applicants to ABA-accredited law schools. Provided by pre-law advisors at Boston College.
Law School Scholarship Finder – Access the largest free database of private law school scholarships on the Internet. has organized the Scholarship Finder by demographic and topical categories, as well as by specific law schools that offer private scholarships to their own students.
Law School Transparency is a non-profit that does consumer advocacy and public education about the legal profession. Use the LST Reports to determine whether and where to attend law school. Learn about what the practice of law is really like from lawyers across the country on our weekly podcast, I Am The Law. Create financial worksheets to prepare yourself for the cost of law school, and to put yourself in a better position to negotiate scholarships with law schools.
National Association for Law Placement Pre-Law Portal – A tool to help students learn more about careers in the law.
Online Law School Locater – By listing the 25th to 75th percentile LSAT scores and GPA ranges of first-year classes at accredited law schools, this tool can help you gauge your chance of admission at a particular school. Provided by pre-law advisors at Boston College.