Economics/Business Fellowships


Institute for Social Innovation Fellowship
StartingBloc’s Institute for Social Innovation is a fellowship program that educates young leaders on corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable development, and then offers them various internships, jobs, and graduate and MBA program opportunities. In addition to the fellowship curriculum, StartingBloc offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet and work with a diverse selection of talented and highly motivated leaders of tomorrow.

Roy H. Park Leadership Fellows Program
The Park Leadership Fellows Program was established in 1997 and is funded by the Triad Foundation (Roy H. Park and the Triad Foundation). It attracts the highest caliber MBA talent to the Johnson School, and rewards demonstrated leadership potential. The Program was founded on a leadership theme that emphasizes the development of leadership skills. As such fellowship awards are based on leadership qualities, professional and personal life accomplishment, past academic achievement, and commitment to community service and/or socially responsible business.
Deadline: early January