Recruit Our Students!

Leverage our expertise and resources to identify students for your job and internship opportunities.

Amherst College prepares ambitious and talented students for lives of sustained intellectual inquiry, civic engagement, leadership, and service – translating to qualified, curious, and motivated new hires that can immediately add value, contribute to workplace initiatives, and bring a breadth of perspective to your organization..

Recruiting through Amherst’s Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning allows your organization to leverage our team’s expertise and resources to target students for your job, fellowship, and internship opportunities; build your brand on campus; and achieve your hiring goals. To connect with an Employer Relations team member, email

Hire a Mammoth

Alumni and friends of the College are critical partners in helping Amherst provide real-world learning and employment opportunities. See how you can help!’

Learn More

Campus Recruitment Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning

Campus Recruitment

The key to successful recruiting is building and maintaining a strong presence on-campus and virtually with our students.


Post Jobs Internships Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning

Post Jobs/Internships

Interested in hiring Amherst students? Read through the process of getting your position on Handshake


Amherst Facts and FAQs Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning

Amherst Facts and FAQs

Explore what Amherst is all about.


Post Graduation Outcomes Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning

Post-Graduation Outcomes

Read about the post-graduation outcomes for recent Amherst graduates.

Student Outcomes


Contact & Location


Amherst, MA 01002