Junior Year Success Checklist: Maximizing Your College Experience

As you embark on your junior year of college, it’s time to focus strategically on your future. This checklist guides you through essential activities designed to enhance your skills, expand your network, and prepare you for post-graduate success. Whether it’s engaging in internships, stepping into leadership roles, or planning for grad school, each item on this list is a step towards building a robust and fulfilling career.

Checklist for Junior Year College Students:

  • Internships and Job Shadows: Explore and apply for opportunities to gain hands-on experience in your fields of interest.
  • Career Exploration: Identify at least five career paths or professional areas you want to explore during the year.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Assume leadership roles within campus organizations to develop your skills and influence.
  • Global Engagement: Plan for a study abroad experience or participate in activities that increase your global awareness.
  • Mentorship: Connect with mentors both on and off campus who can provide valuable guidance and insight.
  • Resume Development: Update and refine your resume to reflect your most recent skills and experiences.
  • Networking: Set up a LinkedIn profile to connect with Amherst College alumni and attend networking events.
  • Entrepreneurial Initiatives: Get involved with the Amherst College Entrepreneurs (ACEs) Project or explore other entrepreneurial activities.
  • Professional Development: Attend Loeb Center events and engage with Alumni-In-Residence to gain industry insights.
  • Interview Preparation: Schedule mock interviews with advisors or practice your interviewing skills using ‘Big Interview’.
  • Alternative Spring Break: Participate in Alternative Spring Break experiences to deepen your social awareness.
  • Graduate School Prep: Start your research early and attend grad school fairs to better understand your options.
  • Professional Attire: Begin building a professional wardrobe that is suitable for interviews and networking events.

By methodically working through this checklist, you will enhance your readiness for life after college while making the most of your junior year. Remember, each step you take is an investment in your future!

Donnell Turner
Director, Inclusive Career Development

By Donnell Turner
Donnell Turner Director of Inclusive Career Development